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Watch Out For These Mistakes When Installing Your Fence

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One great way of upgrading your property is by adding a fence. It doesn't matter whether you are adding a new fence or replacing an old one—a good fence will make your home secure and improve your property's aesthetics. However, for a satisfactory fencing project, watch out for the following mistakes.

Property Presumptions

Many homeowners don't take the time to establish the boundaries of their property. When you hire a professional fence contractor, they will determine your property lines before the installation begins. If you erect a fence on another person's property or public land, you will likely pay fines and legal fees. Furthermore, you will spend more money to move the fence to your property.

Neglecting Local Regulations

Local regulations on installing fences can seem unnecessary. However, these requirements by counties and homeowners' associations focus on safety and the right of way. For example, many local regulations prohibit fences that obstruct the view of oncoming vehicles on a corner property. Some also require building a few feet back from the right of way. Therefore, if your property runs up to the edge of a sidewalk, build your fence a few inches from the sidewalk.

Many HOAs have requirements regarding the height of your fence, the fencing style, and the fencing materials. Before you plan the installation of your fence, ask your contractor to enlighten you on the local and HOA regulations. Failing to follow these regulations may subject you to fines. You may also be ordered to remove the fence. An HOA could put a lien on your property in the worst-case scenario.

Setting Posts Incorrectly

Another common fence installation mistake is setting posts incorrectly. Over time, this results in a leaning fence. Since your fence can experience issues because of extreme weather conditions, your fence posts shouldn't be supported by soil alone. You should impress upon your fence contractor to use gravel or concrete to make your fence sturdy. Unsecured posts could collapse or become warped over time.

Using Poor Quality Fence Materials

Before installing your fence, you need to research fencing materials. Make sure you choose high-quality materials from a reliable supplier. Your fence contractor will guide you in choosing the appropriate fence materials based on your specific needs.

For example, if you want a long-lasting fence with minimal maintenance costs, you are better off with vinyl. However, if you have a low budget but don't mind high maintenance, go for wooden fences. Compare the pros and cons of different fence materials to find the one best suited for your home.

For more information, contact a residential fence installation service near you.
